The UK's finest surfing minds using the finest materials here in the UK


Tokyo Sakana


Tokyo Sakana.

The Sakana is a traditional fish, it without doubt honors the initial concept of the legendary Steve Lis, however it’s not stuck in the past there are some modern adaptations to Steve’s original concept.

Still nice & wide with all the volume forward, still real flat to generate bags of speed, but…. Not so full in the tail anymore, tail width has been reduced by a child size shakka, to liven the board up some what, giving it a chance of working just as well on a beach break as a reeling point break.

Bags and bags of fun to be had with the fun skatey loose flow, whilst being parallel enough to track at high speed when required.

Fitted with Futures fin boxes, to give you a myriad of fin options, also available with glass on keels as a custom order.

The ultimate enthusiasts fish.

Standard dims:

5’2” x 20” x 2 1/4 “ approx  30 ltr

5’4’ x 10 1/4 “ x 2 1/4 ‘ approx 32 ltr

5’6” x 20 1/2 “ x 2 3/8” approx 34 ltr

5’8” x 21” x 2 1/2” approx 36 ltr

5’10” x 21 3/8” x 2 5/8” approx 38 ltr

6’0” x 21 1/2 “ x 2 3/4 “ approx 40 ltr